Acne Scar treatment

There are several steps in Acne scar revision including a medical history, examination, mapping, planning, procedure, recovery and follow-ups and prevention. This ensures that you not only have the best method of scar revision, but also the safest.

All acne scar treatments are tailored according to the acne scar type, skin type of the patient, and downtime. The process of scar revision can take one or two visits, or in complicated cases, up to 6 months to complete.

Types of Acne Scars

  • Atrophic scars
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Boxcar Scar
  • Ice pick scar
  • Rolling scar
  • Tethered scar
Acne scar treatment cincinnati

Micro needling with or without PRP – For all types of shallow acne scars

Microneedling stimulates healthy collagen and elastin in skin. This helps tighten skin and fill acne scars. Coupled with Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP treatment, is an effective low downtime treatment for mild acne scars of all types. Multiple treatments 8-10 sessions 6 weeks apart may be needed.

Chemical Peels

  • Deep peel – For all types of shallow acne scars

Subcision with or without PRP – For deep rolling scars

Long lasting Fillers-Bellafill with subcision – For atrophic scars and other deep scars

Acne scar treatment cincinnati

Erbium laser deep resurfacing For boxcar scars

Erbium YAG-Profractional laser – For deep scars in darker skin

Co2 Fractional Laser – For deep scars in lighter skin.

Laser treatments are effective for smoothing acne scars. Multiple treatments are required 6 months apart. Adding PRP can give better results.

Most Acne Scar treatments need a combination of Lasers, Fillers and Microneedling and Chemical peels to get the best results.

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